Medical Professions

Clinical Research Administration Degrees: Master, PhD & Online Course Info

A master's degree or a Ph.D in clinical research administration may lead to careers in clinical research management and academia. Get the truth about the requirements, courses and career options. Find out what you can do with your master's or...

Family Nurse Practitioner Degrees: Master, PhD & Online Class Info

Nurses who want to further their careers may choose to complete a Family Nurse Practitioner Master's degree program. This program will teach students the vital clinical and administrative skills they will need to attain advanced positions in...

Geriatric Health Degrees: Master's, PhD & Online Course Info

Master's and PhD degrees in geriatric health can lead to careers in health administration, clinical practice and academia. Get the truth about the requirements, courses and career options and find out what you can do with your degree.

International Health Degrees: Master's, PhD & Online Course Info

What will you learn in an international health master's degree or Ph.D. program? Read about the master's degree or Ph.D. requirements, the pros and cons of a master's degree and Ph.D. and potential careers.

Mental Health Counseling Degrees: Master, PhD & Online Course Info

What kind of job can you get with a master's degree or Ph.D. in mental health counseling? Find out degree program requirements, online options and info on courses and mental health counseling programs.

Natural Health Degrees: Master's, PhD & Online Course Info

What will you learn in a natural health program? Read about degree requirements, the pros and cons of a master's and doctoral degree and potential careers.

Nurse Midwifery Degrees: Master's, PhD & Online Course Info

Nurse midwifery master's degree and PhD programs can open the door to practical and academic careers. Get the truth about the requirements, courses and career options, and find out what you can do with your degree.

Professional Counseling Degrees: Master's, PhD & Online Class Info

What will you learn in a professional counseling program? Read about degree requirements, the pros and cons of a master's degree and a PhD and potential careers.

Study Occupational Therapy: Masters Degree, Doctorate & Online Info

What kind of job can you get with a master's or doctoral degree in occupational therapy? Find out program requirements, online options and info on courses and occupational therapy degrees.